
Value for detail
Latest technology machinery
Tradition plus innovation
Quality as a fundamental premise


Advantages and characteristics of displays and other VISSUALLY products

The products that we manufacture at VISSUALLY are made from 100% renewable wood fiber, MDF/HDF with a density per m3 ranging between 750 and 900 kg.

If we compare these data with those of the cardboard displays, the difference is up to 5 times greater. The resistance and durability of the VISSUALLY displays easily reaches 10 years of useful life, without practically losing the quality of the first day.

At the level of floor displays, we have an added advantage provided by laser cutting, which is that when the cut is made, the entire perimeter is cauterized and this sealing effect greatly limits moisture absorption, giving it greater stability and longevity, either for Uses in stores, department stores or supermarkets, when daily cleaning is carried out, other less resistant materials absorb moisture and deteriorate very easily, losing stability and visual presence, weakening the brand image.

Another great advantage that wood fiber provides, compared to other materials, including sawn wood, is that splinters are not generated, which can be very annoying if a customer or consumer gets stuck in them while using displays or packaging. Cardboard also has the drawback that its edge generates a knife-like edge that can also cause accidents during assembly or use by end consumers.

The products that are marketed under the VISSUALLY brand comply with the strictest international environmental regulations, providing our customers with products based on the strictest Eco-design premises of the so-called "Circular Economy" greatly reducing emissions and improving their carbon footprint. carbon significantly.

Funded by the Digital Kit Programme. Next Generation EU Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan for Spain